亚庇中学 > PIBG > 2021/2022 & 2022/2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of KKHS-PTA

The Kota Kinabalu High School Parents Teachers Association will be holding its AGM for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 this Saturday, 12th February 2022 from 8.30 am until 10.30 am using Google Meet for the first time. 

They will address some agendas such as passing the minutes of AGM 2021/2022, approving the accounts for the financial year 2021/2022, and electing an Executive Committee (EXCO) for 2022/2023.

All parents of KK High School students are welcome to journey with the association to enhance the learning experience of their child at KK High School.


(亚庇讯)由于新冠病毒疫情严峻,经过家协理事会开会商讨,校方决定举办线上家协会员大会。校方谨定于2022年2月12日(星期六)上午8时30分,在各自的地点通过线上平台Google Meethttps://meet.google.com/nbp-jehb-izy)召开2021/2022暨2022/2023年度常年会员大会, 选举新届理事。家长须在家协会员大会开始前30分钟进入 Google Meet。




  1. 主席致词
  2. 校长校务报告
  3. 复准前期议案
  4. 检讨前期议案
  5. 会务报告
  6. 财务报告
  7. 讨论提案
  8. 解散旧届家协理事
  9. 改选新届理事
  10. 全体照

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