What is Coding?
Coding is the process of writing instructions for computers. It’s sort of like writing a to-do list in another language. In fact, there are dozens of different programming languages out there. For example, coders use HTML and JavaScript to build websites. Swift is a popular language for iOS application developers. And Python is pretty much good for everything. Developers use code to create everything from calculator apps to entire operating systems. Smartphones, laptops, vehicle infotainment systems, and many other computers utilize code. Programmers can create virtually anything using code. Once you understand how programming works, you’ll be able to craft any kind of software or application.
Is Computer Programming Hard to Learn?
People often wonder if computer programming is hard to learn. The question actually makes sense, just look at the picture above. If you have no programming experience, it probably seems pretty daunting. Although coding may appear cryptic, most people get the hang of it quickly. And once you learn one language, it becomes easier to learn another. Lots of people try coding, and it’s easy to get discouraged early on. It’s also possible that you didn’t have the right guidance when making your first attempt. But you’re not alone! Countless expert programmers made multiple attempts before they got the hang of it.
The Joy of Coding
People learn to code for many reasons. Some people learn to code for the money, the jobs, and the rock-star lifestyle. Others learn to code because they want to create things, help people, and change the world. But for some code-enthusiasts, those things are just the icing on the cake. In fact, many of the world’s most influential coders learned to code simply because it’s fun.
Linus Torvalds, the world-renowned programmer who created Linux, Git, and a whole bunch of other useful things, said: “Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.”
Coding can be very engaging. Each line of code, if it works, causes something to happen in the computer console. Watching your idea take shape step-by-step is a blast. And the feeling after discovering a bug (and fixing it) is hard to replicate.
What Kind of Person Likes Coding?
Any person can enjoy coding especially those who enjoy problem-solving. You will love coding if you also love building things. No matter what the persons’ occupation, such as artists, musicians, engineers, machinists, business people, teachers or students, anyone can do programming, and everyone can bring their own unique strengths to the table and create something great.
How can I get Started Coding?
Coding is not hard, but finding the right place to start can be. Unlike many other skilled professions, you don’t need any expensive education to begin. Thanks to the internet, you can get started with any coding language for free.
One good activity to learn programming for beginners and at the same time having fun doing it is “Minecraft Hour Of Code” from code.org. Students will love playing a game with characters they are already familiar with and learning skills in a fun and exciting environment. Code.org offers three Minecraft activities that help to teach students the principles of coding. These three modules include Minecraft Designer, Minecraft Adventurer, and Hero’s Journey. Each activity consists of several challenges that get students using block coding to program their Minecraft characters. Students will learn about important coding concepts like loops, variables, and functions by participating in these mini challenges.
1. Weinstein, J. (2020 July 14). Is Coding Fun or Boring? Career Karma. https://careerkarma.com/blog/is-coding-fun-or-boring/
2. FVI School of Nursing and Technology (n.d.). Coding is Fun. https://fvi.edu/uncategorized/coding-is-fun/
3. Victoria, K. (2018 November 4). 13 Fun and Free Coding Activities for Hour of Code Week. Teach Your Kids Code. https://teachyourkidscode.com/free-coding-activities-for-hour-of-code-week/